통합 검색
통합 검색
Jaeheon Lee
Chemical Engineering Ph.D. Candidate at UC Berkeley
Jaeheon received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and B.S. in Chemical Engineering (Double Major) at POSTECH (Pohang, Republic of Korea) in 2019. At POSTECH, he did several projects related to ML and mechatronics. Additionally, in 2016, he was selected as a Research Officers for National Defense (ROND) - a professionalized officer which only about 25 talented sophomores are selected annually from across the country. After graduation, he served military service as a first lieutenant and a researcher in the Chem-Bio technology center at Agency for Defense Development(ADD) for 3 years.
At ADD, his research was focused on two parts:
1. Porous materials and membranes for adsorbing and decomposing hazardous materials.
2. Optimizing gas flow structure using numerical and computational study.
Discharged from the military in 2022, he is now a Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical engineering at UC Berkeley (Berkeley, CA, USA). He is currently focusing on the Manganese-based Electrocatalysts and Electrochemistry of Solid-state Li-air batteries under a humidified environment.